i want you to tell me a lie
i know you for sure
i don't normally write this way
sometimes i start on the right
and when it seems right
i move on
and know that in the middle of the screen
lies a different way to be seen
but to try to write like this
kinda takes it out of the words
gives an image as free as a bird
but like i said
things have to change the way they seem
i was thinking of dying alone waiting for an opera singer
but it didn't bother me because i might not wind up alone
i was waiting being told what to do
and all this time it was waiting for you
what controls the queens jester
can't remember the word
we'll come back to this
because i have a joke
just a scientest
to his lover
he stays scilent
i wonder whats in his mind
none at all
and i wonder where he is
i've been expermenting with homosexuality poetry for some reason. i have a sick obsession over a girl who is famous and i started thinking all sorts of things including the fact that they are infact a guy and i never knew they made such a pretty girl.
i also have started dealing with centering wich is an entirly too computer i mean when you write down stuff on paper to center it you would have to know the appropriate line length of each line before putting it down so it might not be a first draft but would be impressive if is i would like to see some of that oh well.
i'm back to newgrounds going to try to dig up a fun time found the blog and started getting to work i needed a place to type and this will do just fine. i have to get out of some old habits from the last place i was at. i will be putting up all my comics that i have saved on the computer. 4 at a time every day until they are all up and there are a lot of them.
found thinking too hard
let go
for an easy life
maybe i should of figured it out
a little more
little red riding hood
where are you in my dreams
i need you
and you have a place to go
in my arms
where i can love you
so don't mind the mind mining i'm just taking
everything device
she's gonna eat me oh god lord i can't wait
to have those teeth sink in
like a zombie love for the brain
gonna get me in
gotta find a fetish that dosn't fit
but i'm still human
says the robot
turn it on
i started thinking that time was running out
that i didn't have a perfect time
i was laughing
but i could feel the tears
so alone
but time to expirence
something different
and with that i was out the door
holding my noes
blood coming out
and i was looking at him like i could
come over one morning
and then again it wasn't the girl i was thinking about
but i felt the feelings and didn't that matter
now i'm gay huh
well isn't that a feeling
well what was the point
of being atheist
for a minute i was sure
and i couldn't have been convinced
who wants to sit here
and wait for the time to go
when imaginary can shreik away
are you going to be selling him a pimp
couldn't be there today
and are you thinking of me again
asks dup on the side
i smile and slide away
you know your a cat and cats can't talk
it's illigal because if we heard we would know all
and as the universe exploded into stars
i wondered where it all begin
but the story still remained
as the mind drifts back to understanding that it is a stalker. yes i woke up i realized i was skitsophrenic and having conversations with celebs and was going to stalk them down so i could make love to them . oh baby don't start on what we have here in the mind lets not trash the rash thinking before we leave the friendship
i'm beating off every day and i can't stop what happened to me i feel like i know i can have sex because i can still come but i'm starting to have my doubts if thats' not true then i'm waisting my time
come around latch on and get married hiss
i'm so popular in my mind
cloth hates anime and video games
she is totatly aginst my weebness
but as i write this i start to realize
that she will probably forget this
it seems that i was told that i might be attractive as a weeb
but i didn't know what that meant
and i still don't so i don't worry about a thing
i'm already over reacting but don't worry
if i don't slow i won't hit the bump
and i wasn't worried for the first time until
time got wasted thinking about others
i guess i could have but i could die thinking this
so what was i to worry about
there had to be a reason they couldn't come close to me
was it all just the remains
you could hold on
for a while and for now
so why wait
when were all together
the coven calls
and i know they can't hear
me crying but i couldn't consider
games as history
as everyone was eaten by spiders
and when the world ended
and everyone seemed like it would be good